5 Levels of the Knights of the Altar:
For information on Knights of the Altar, contact Mary at the parish office at 979-548-2020, ext. 7, or email: music.liturgyolphsja@gmail.com
This committee works behind the scenes to create an environment that support, stimulate, inspire and focus the assembly’s experience of the Church in Liturgy. For information on OLPH Arts and Environment, contact the parish office at 979-548-2020, ext. 4.
This group, with parishioner assistance, plans, prepares and serves a meal for the family and guests whom have lost loved ones. For more information on OLPH Bereavement Committee, contact Angie at 979-548-2883. For more information on SJA Bereavement Committee, contact Susan at 979-319-0206. For more information on OLPH (Spanish) Bereavement Committee, contact Jessica at 979-549-1818.
The Building committee is responsible for assisting the priest during periods of expansion and construction. For more information on this ministry, contact the parish office at 979-548-2020, ext. 4.
Court Our Lady Queen of Hope #2289: The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) is the largest international organization of Catholic women in the world and was organized in 1903 by the Knights of Columbus. Their motto is: Unity and Charity. The purpose of the organization is to participate in the religious, charitable and educational Apostolates of the Church. They engage in creative and spiritual programs, which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their special God-given talents in a meaningful way to positively influence the welfare of the Church and all peoples throughout the world.
Parishioners are invited to enjoy coffee, doughnuts, and fellowship while meeting new members of the parish families after morning Mass. Dates to be announced in bulletin.
The Parish Financial Committee advises the Pastor in administration and stewardship of finances, budget, facilities and long range financial planning. For information on OLPH Finance Committee, contact Glenn at 979-798-7019. For information on SJA Finance Committee, contact Oscar at 979-236-8077 .
This group maintains the function and beauty of our parish facilities. For more information on OLPH General Maintenance, contact Dennis Mican. SJA General Maintenance Ron Smith.
This group of men, women and youth of the parish foster devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe through prayer, education, social ministry and help the needy. For more information contact Adela Gutierrez.
The Hispanic Ministry acts as a transforming agent for Hispanic Catholics. They are responsible for implementation and coordination of pastoral care to the Hispanic population in the parish. For more information, contact Rosario at 979-548-3614.
The Knights of Columbus is a service organization founded by Father Michael J. McGivney. This organization is based on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Making sure the Catholic Church remains vigorous and undiminished is one of the primary missions of the Knights of Columbus. They are an international fraternal and service organization for Catholic men. For information, contact Felix at 979-215-1299.
The purpose of these groups is to promote true Christian charity, the true love of God and our neighbor, Christian family life, frequent attendance at Mass and reception of the Holy Eucharist. They also provide charitable assistance by holding fundraisers throughout the year and take care of the immediate needs of the Sanctuary. All Parish women are members. For more information on Ladies Altar Society, contact Angie Cummings at 979-548-2883 . For more information on Ladies Altar Guild, contact Linda at 979-345-5288.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God with reverence and dignity at Sunday Masses as well as solemnities, feasts and other liturgical celebrations. For more information contact Mary at 979-3548-2020, ext. 7. For more information on OLPH (Spanish) Lectors, contact Yolanda at 979-240-9312.
One of the primary functions is to bring the Eucharist to the sick, homebound and those living in nursing homes. For more information on the OLPH/SJA Legion of Mary, contact Linda at 979-345-5288. For more information on OLPH (Spanish) Legion of Mary, contact Rosario at 979-548-3614.
This ministry provides musical leadership, which is active and conscious participation of the assembly at weekend liturgies and special liturgical celebrations. For information on this ministry, contact Mary at the parish office at 979-548-2020, ext. 7, or email: music.liturgyolphsja@gmail.com
The Pastoral Council is established by the pastor to assist in any advisory role concerning the mission and the future of the church. For information, contact the parish officeat 979-548-2020, ext. 4.
A Quinceanera is a celebration of a girl's fifteenth birthday. It marks the transition from childhood to young adulthood. For information on Quinceaneras, contact the parish office at 979-548-2020, ext. 4.
The Office of Safe Environment is committed to maintain a safe environment for children and youth. We assist parishes and schools in understanding and implementing the USCCB's Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. This includes criminal background check screening and training in recognizing and reporting child abuse to appropriate civil and church authorities. The Office of Adolescent Catechesis and Evangelization oversees the formation process. For more information on Sacred and Safe Environment, contact the parish office at 979-548-2020, ext. 4.
This group is committed to promoting life from the womb to natural death. This group also promotes and teaches natural family planning. For more information, contact 979-648-2020, ext. 4.
These people assist in the preparation of Mass and assure the smoothest flow of the celebration. For more information contact Mary at 979-548-2020, ext. 7.
A social club for seniors over 55 years of age who gather together once a month for games, pizza, outings, covered dish luncheons and fellowship. For more information, contact Annabel at 979-647-4993.
This society gives temporary assistance to needy families within our boundaries. Persons or families in need should call the parish office. A volunteer will return your call. Funds are raised through several yearly collections. For more information, contact Susan at 979-345-4999.
The Youth Ministry is dedicated to providing a comprehensive program to meet the needs of Junior and Senior High School youth. The program’s activities assist the youth in connecting faith and real life while reinforcing Catholic values. For more information, contact the church office at 979-548-2020, ext. 4.
*Rosary or Chaplet are said before each weekend Mass
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Our Lady of Perpetual Help
310 North McKinney Street
Sweeny, TX 77480
St. John the Apostle
807 Loggins Drive
West Columbia, TX 77486
Mon. – Thurs. 9:00a.m. to 4:30p.m., Friday 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.
For all church related business, please call: (979) 548-2020 , ext. 4
For all emergencies please call: (979) 548-2020, ext. 4
Email Address: Email: olphsjaoffice@gmail.com
Pastor: Fr. Preston Quintela
Parish Administrator: Ms. Trish Speers
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